Osamu Kishida (Associate Professor)
Ph.D. (Fisheries Science), Hokkaido University, 2006
Research areas
Animal Ecology, Community Ecology, Evolutionary Ecology http://researchers.general.hokudai.ac.jp/profile/en..12Y3u3pqUw.UnmEQglA8g==.html
E-mail address
Current research interest
Evolutionary and community ecology of predator and prey interactions I have a strong interest in topics relating to predator and prey interactions. In my earlier research, I studied phenotypic plasticity in predator and prey species from an adaptationist perspective. Recently, most of my research effort involves exploring the impacts of individual phenotypes on predator-prey interactions and the effects of those interactions on population- and community-level properties. At present, I primarily study freshwater communities in forest ecosystems by conducting manipulative experiments both in the laboratory and in the field. In particular, I have been focusing on the intriguing life histories of salamander larvae (Hynobius retardatus) and frog tadpoles (Rana pirica). In my work, I have been fortunate in having the opportunity to colluborate with many fine scientists, and I have also had many able student helpers in my lab. To improve our understanding of the nature of predator-prey interactions and contribute further to the field of animal ecology, I hope to conduct many amazing field experiments in the experimental forest of Hokkaido University with students in my lab and my great collaborators.
- 1999-2002 Staff member at Otaru Aquarium, Hokkaido (worked with fish, amphibians,aquatic insects, and mammal)
- 2005-2007 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Research Fellow (DC2) at Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University
- 2007-2009 JSPS Research Fellow (postdoctoral) at Center for Ecological Research, Kyoto University
- 2009-2014 Assistant Professor, Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University
- 2014-Present Associate Professor, Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University
Selected publications
- Kishida O., Tezuka A., Ikeda A., Takatsu K. & Michimae H. (2015) Adaptive acceleration in growth and development of salamander hatchlings in cannibalistic situation. Functional Ecology, In press.
- Kishida O., Costa Z., Tezuka A. & Michimae H. (2014) Inducible offenses affect predator-prey interactions and life history plasticity in both predators and prey. Journal of Animal Ecology 83:899-906.
- Kishida O., Trussell GC., Ohno A., Kuwano S., Ikawa T. & Nishimura K. (2011) Predation risk suppresses the positive feedback between size-structure and cannibalism. Journal of Animal Ecology 80:1278-1287.
- Kishida O., Trussell GC., Nishimura K. & Ohgushi T. (2009) Inducible defenses in prey intensify predator cannibalism. Ecology 90:3150-3158
- Kishida O., Trussell GC. & Nishimura K. (2009) Top-down effects on antagonistic inducible defense and offence. Ecology 90:1217-1226.